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You have a 3Gear DevKit. Now what?

Step 1: Get a license

Your DevKit already includes a 60-day evaluation license. For individuals (personal use) and small commercial entities, you can also get a free commercial license immediately. If you're using the system for academic purposes, or if you are a large commercial entity, different licensing restrictions may apply. You can obtain a license by e-mailing us from the licensing page.

Step 2: Get the latest (Nimble SDK) software

We usually release software on a monthly basis. Visit our software download page to get the latest version. Follow the user guide to install the software. If you are having problems installing or running the software, check out the troubleshooting section.

Step 3: Add gestures to your application

The user guide is the best resource to get started with adding gestures to your applications. We provide several examples showing off our simple API. You can also refer to the C++ and Java API documentation.

It's not difficult to incorporate our API in your application. Here's a short snippet to give you a taste:


public class Echo {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    HandTrackingClient client = new HandTrackingClient();
    client.addListener(new HandTrackingAdapter() {
      public void handleEvent(HandTrackingMessage baseMessage) {
        if (baseMessage.getType() == HandTrackingMessage.MessageType.MOVED) {
          PinchMessage message = (PinchMessage) baseMessage;
          System.out.printf("%s Hand moved to %s%n", 


Step 4: Send us feedback

If you have any other questions, issues or suggestions, just send us a note at, and we'll try to get back to you as soon as possible.